The Unit suffixes in P Spice are as follows.
V = Volts
A = Amps
HZ = Hertz
OHM = Ohm(O)
H = Henry
F = Farad
DEG = Degree.
In the absence of scale and unit suffixes, the unit of voltage, current, frequency, inductance, capacitance and angle are, by default, volt, amps, hertz, henrys, farads, and degrees, respectively. P Spice ignores any unit suffix.
25E-3 25.0E-3 25M 25MA 25MOHM 25MH
NOTE:-The scale suffixes are all upper case, but PSpice allows lower case.
M Means “milli,” not “mega” 2MO is written as 2MEG or 2MEGOHM