Types of Analysis
PSpice allows various types of analysis. Each analysis is invoked by including its command statements.
Ex:-.DC command invoked the DC Sweep.
DC Analysis is used for circuits with time variant sources(ex:-steady state dc source ).
It calculates all node voltages and branch currents over a range of values ,and their quiescent(dc)values are the outputs.
Command Meaning
1..DC DC Sweep of an input voltage or current source ,a model parameter ,or temperature over a range of values
2..OP Determination of the linearized model parameters of non linearized devices.
or DC Operating Point or Quiescent Point or Bias Point.
3..TF Small Signal Transfer Function with small signal Gain, input resistance, and output resistance.
4..SENS DC Small signal sensitivities.
5..TRAN Transient analysis with time variant sources It calculates all node voltages and branch currents over a time interval ,and their instantaneous values are the out puts
6.(.) dot an integral part of the command.
It can perform various analyses which invoked by including its command statements .It always calculates the bias point, which consists of all node voltages as well as currents and power dissipation of all voltage sources can be sent tot the output file by the .OP Command